Something I Want My Future Self to Remember

Writing Prompt #1 for September 28, 2020

I want my future self to remember to always love and be kind to myself when I’m going through a difficult time. I’m having difficulty with this, particularly this year. I’m dealing with a number of health issues, was laid off, family drama, haven’t climbed for over a year, my grandma just died and I don’t know how to process that, financial difficulties, the disastrous way the Trump administration handled the pandemic and so many people are suffering because of racism. I know I am not alone in this boat.

In spite of all of that, I do want my future self to remember the important people that have stood in my corner and helped uplift me through this difficult time, but especially my husband, who reminds me every day that I am worthy and loved. I want my future self to remember the quiet moments, conversations and times shared with my husband, and all the shows that we got to binge watch together.

Random Sunday Thoughts

Establishing a colony on Mars is not going to work if we can’t figure out how to function on Earth. We’ll just be running away from our problems and creating new ones elsewhere. We’ll destroy Mars just as we are destroying Earth.

…Or, they say that there used to be water on Mars, as evidenced by the clay they found. Maybe Mars is the harrowing and daunting foreshadowing of what Earth will become if we don’t take care of Mother Earth…if we’re not already too late.